Christian ALLARD

Year : 2012

Technic : Acrylic painting

Size : 70 x 82 cm

Original Print


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Christian ALLARD

great grandson of Augustin Lesage. Self-taught, he took up the brushes in 1997. Since that day, he has painted more than 300 paintings, some of which took him more than hundreds of hours. He explains that he does not know what he is going to achieve, that he expresses sensations linked to travel, including Egypt where he repeats the journey made by his great-grandfather in 1939. From the accumulation of known colors and shapes, sometimes faces, animal heads, shapes known or unknown appear, eyes or looks multiply on the canvas. Completely freehand, the symmetry, the repetition of geometric shapes, the punctuation of droplets, the oriental influence, recall the works of Augustin Lesage, Victor Simon, Fleury Joseph Crépin or Stephan Novak. This proximity of inspiration and style raises the question of a common creative home. 3 works by Christian Allard are visible at LAM in this beautiful exhibition "Lesage, Simon, Crepin, spiritualist painters and healers until January 5, 2020.

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