Title : City of Lille

Year : 1989

Technic : Lithography

Size : 78 * 60 cm

Dimensions : 60x78 cm (23.62x30.71")

Certificate : GALLERY

Number : EA 1 /13

Information : Ville de Lille Salle du conseil municipal

Workshop : Atelier Alain Buyse

Original Print

Description :
Part of an edition of 12 plates 
Erro released the decoration of the Hall of the municipal office of Lille

130 ex  + 13 ea


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Erró’s plastic universe mixes comic book characters with despot figures. Donald the duck and his Daisy, Tic and Tac and other characters from Walt Disney, make a frequent appearance in his work, side by side with Greek gods and Madonnas. Contrasting with the latter, we see the German dictator Adolf Hitler appear in the company of his Iraqi counterpart Saddam Hussein and the Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung, represented in monumental proportions.

Fascinated by the world of images from the most diverse cultures, Erró collects everything he can glean here and there through comics, comics, alternative press, advertising, illustrations and other marginal publications. He uses this reservoir of images to create a whole world of little sketches, alternately funny, ironic or militant, which he transposes on the canvas and where everything is telescope in an explosive formal and chromatic jubilation.

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