Émile-Allain SEGUY

Year : 1929

Technic : Stencil gouache

Size : 42 * 32 cm cm

Editor : MASSON, Paris

Original Print


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Émile-Allain SEGUY (1877 - 1951)

Although Emile Alain Séguy was one of the most important and influential artists of the Art Deco period, Émile-Alain Seguy was born in France in 1877 and studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Paris. He is distinguished by his practice of drawing. Later, in 1913, he founded the art department of department stores in the spring and worked on the publication of sophisticated catalogs. His collections of personal drawings, published between 1902 and 1930, try to make available to creators (...) a set of materials capable of enriching and renewing their productions, and this in a current sense. He is primarily the author of two collections of insect panels. The first, published in 1928 in Tolmer, is devoted to butterflies, butterflies: twenty plates in colored phototypes with the motif giving 81 butterflies and 16 decorative compositions. The second, in its selection, was published by Duchartre and Van Buggenhoudt in 1929. Insects: twenty color plates phototyped on the motif giving eighty insects and sixteen decorative compositions were also stencilled

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